Lean to sheds kits are perfect for a wide variety of uses. since they are essentially half of a full-size shed, you can use them to keep bicycles and outdoor gear organized, you can store your gardening equipment inside, and you can even use them to cover your trash and recycle bins.. The lean to should ideally be built at the same time as the shed. whilst retrofitting to an already built shed is possible, is difficult to do without damaging or tearing the felt. whilst the kit will also work with forest’s dip treated overlap apex sheds, please note there will be a difference in colour due to the different treatments applied.. The 6’x4′ lean to extension will allow creation of a partially sheltered extension for a 6’x4′ forest garden shed. it will offer 6’x2′ of outdoor storage space for logs, garden boxes and more. purpose built for the forest garden shed for which it is an accessory, this lean-to has 2 vertical supports and an 8mm osb sloping felted roof..
Lean to shed packages. safe and secure storage for your lawn and garden equipment, bicycles, tools, and more. we have kits with pre-built frame components and easy to follow, illustrated instructions so you can do-it-yourself from start to finish. ask about customization, assembly and delivery options.. Modern lean-to sheds. go higher and go modern! you’ll love the extra touch these modern lean-to sheds will add to your property. these modern lean-to sheds come in both the storage shed model and top-of-the-line modern studios for an extra room in the backyard. modern sheds are great for a home studio, art studio, modern poolhouse and much more.. Shed kit prices can be found on each of the following pages. visit the wooden storage shed prices, or classic garden shed prices. please note that fully assembled buildings and storage shed kits are the same price. this is due to the fact that storage shed kits from sheds unlimited are typically assembled in the manufacturing facility..